Which college/school advised you this term? | ||
College of Arts & Sciences | 677 | 26% |
Culverhouse College of Commerce | 514 | 20% |
College of Communication & Information Sciences | 156 | 6% |
College of Education | 164 | 6% |
College of Engineering | 425 | 16% |
College of Human Environmental Sciences | 317 | 12% |
Capstone College of Nursing | 179 | 7% |
School of Social Work | 44 | 2% |
Capstone Center for Student Success | 64 | 2% |
I don't know | 83 | 3% |
Total | 2,623 | 100% |
Where do you get most of your academic information? (check all that apply) | n | percent |
Academic Advisor | 1,709 | |
DegreeWorks | 1,463 | |
Other Students | 772 | |
Undergraduate Catalog (Web) | 669 | |
Office of University Registrar | 329 | |
Family Member | 171 | |
Athletic Advisor | 26 |
What type of advising did you receive this term? (check all that apply) | n | percent |
In-person Advising Appointment | 1,465 | |
Advised Via Email | 1,057 | |
Referred to DegreeWorks Worksheet or Plan | 661 | |
Advised Via Telephone | 482 | |
Not Advisied | 100 | |
Group Session | 95 |
In my session, my advisor covered the following topics. (check all that apply) | n | percent |
Courses for Upcoming Semester | 2,296 | |
DegreeWorks Plan | 1,586 | |
Alternate Courses for Upcoming Semester | 1,204 | |
Academic Standing | 727 | |
Transfer Course Equivalencies | 564 | |
Choosing a Major/Minor | 547 | |
Campus Resources (Financial Aid, Counseling Center, Center for Academic Success, etc.) | 308 | |
Internships/Co-ops | 292 | |
Personal Concerns (Family Issues, Health Issues, Work Schedule, etc.) | 273 | |
Study Abroad | 191 | |
Graduation Application Process | 162 | |
Service-Learning and/or Campus Involvement | 156 | |
Other, please specify: | 129 |
Never 1-2 3-4 5 or more | |
How often did you seek the assistance of an academic advisor in the past academic year? |
How did you prepare for your advising session? (check all that apply) | n | percent |
I came up with a list of proposed courses for the upcoming semester. | 1,620 | |
I created or reviewed a DegreeWorks plan. | 1,602 | |
I developed a list of questions for my advisor. | 1,452 | |
I read material provided by my department/college. | 730 | |
I read material on courseleaf.ua.edu (catalog). | 335 | |
I did not prepare. | 197 |
Use the scale below to rate your advising experience in the following areas. | Very satisfied Satisfied No opinion Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied |
Advisor's knowledge of major requirements | |
Advisor's knowledge of core requirements | |
Overall satisfaction with advising session | |
Satisfaction with length of advising session |
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable | |
During my advising appointment, all of my questions were answered. |
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable | |
During my advising session, I felt comfortable talking to my advisor. |
If you indicated in question 9 that you felt uncomfortable talking with your advisor, what could have been done to make you more comfortable?
comments are disabled unless authenticated
Very likely Somewhat likely Not likely | |
How likely are you to recommend your advisor to another student? |
What type of advising session would you prefer? | n | percent |
In-person Advising Session | 1,860 | |
Advising Via Email | 400 | |
Advising Via Telephone | 218 | |
Walk-in Advising | 113 | |
Group Advising | 25 |
What would you like to see improved? (check all that apply) | n | percent |
Timeframe for scheduling an appointment | 788 | |
Advisor and student communication | 771 | |
Organization of the process | 586 | |
Other, please explain. | 358 |
What overall suggestion or thoughts do you have that would improve advising within your college?
comments are disabled unless authenticated